The Spelling App supports this list of commands:

Command Action Alternative Commands
Open Spelling Teacher Starts the application and greets you ! Ask Spelling Teacher
Let's go
Starts the lesson with the 1st word Okay
Ask Spelling Teacher to start a new lesson
Next Move to the next word. The Spelling App will exit when the end of list is reached Okay
Repeat Repeat the current word
Spell Spell the current word
Sort Tell the two possible commands for sorting words. See ABC and Position Ask Spelling Teacher to Sort the words
ABC Alexa will list the words in Alphabet order
Position Alexa will give the position of each word once sorted in Alphabet order. This is a great help with the lenghy verification process of your student's work
Configuration Alexa will re-send the Setup email to help selecting the school/class for your student Setup
Add New Lesson Alexa will send an email with a link to add a new list of words for the class. The list will become the active lesson for all the student in this class upon creation of the list New Lesson
Help Speaks this list of command 
Stop Ends the session Cancel